Quality Education

Empower 20 New Girls Through Education in Ethiopia - GlobalGiving
To improve the quality of education, Ethiopia prioritized on teacher’s development program, curriculum improvement, school improvement, and expansion and improvement of information and communication technology. This led to an increase in qualified teachers of primary education from 38.4 percent in 2009/10 to 71.37 percent by 2014/15. In addition to that, primary education completion rate has increased from 47.8 percent in 2009/10 to 52.18 percent by 2014/15. Besides the effort from the government, the other non-profit organizations such as Children of Ethiopia Education Fund (COEEF), Adias Ababa are involved in the development of the education system of this country. The country’s predominant finance for education comes from the government. The country struggles in economic progress. 1994 was the year where the budget for education was of the highest. Despite being the rate incremental, it is a constant flux, but never beating the 94’s record.
Ethiopia 'breaks' tree-planting record to tackle climate change ...
The change in climate in Ethiopia is likely to cause increased temperatures, intense heatwaves, more extreme rainfall, floods, and landslides, which are expected to intensify existing challenges of communicable diseases, food insecurity, and poverty unless timely action is taken. To develop the country’s profile on climate change, WHO, UNFCC, and range of other partners works with Ethiopian Ministry of Health. The country was the first to submit its Intended Nationally Determined Contribution to the UNFCCC, consisting of strong plans to develop a green economy.

https://files.globalgiving.org/pfil/13631/pict_large.jpg?m=1364278484000 . Accessed on 5/2/2020
https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/1024/cpsprodpb/147C6/production/_108101938_ab4.jpg . Accessed on 5/2/2020
